Spotify Playlist Thumbnails

Over the years I’ve sometimes designed thumbnails for the playlists my friends and I create. These are my favorites.



A game made over a weekend for IGI’s 2017 Game Jam. Won Best Visuals. Play it here


Svartir Sunnudagar Posters

Not sure if it’s personal since it’s more of an excuse to make cool things for a local movie theater. There are events there called Svartir Sunnudagar (E. Black Sundays) where cult movies are shown. Artist are invited to pick movies they would like to make the poster for. Then the posters are wallpapered on the walls of the theater and sold as prints online.


Jono Duffy T-shirt

A merch idea made for a local comedian.


A variety cover for a fantasy book by Andri Snær Magnason.

The header of this website

The development of the banner above. My artist name, Krumla, means an ugly hand. I like it when it comes to making logos and things as my own name is pretty long. But it does confuse some people. It’s been a journey trying to tie it into some art related design. My design process is pretty erratic. It’s usually a tight budget so I don’t like to give clients too many ideas. I will think of one I like, pitch it, they give me feedback, and then finish it. But of course, when it’s me and what I want I can pitch myself 20 ideas and not know what to pick. I think this one came out pretty nice in the end.

Old logo.


T-shirt Designs

I run a shop through TeePublic. It’s a good opportunity to see which one of the things I make appeals to people. So far the biggest seller is the Peanut fanart.

The Link to the Store