Took a class at NTV on UI design. The class curriculum was designing a website (desktop and mobile) and a simple app. I wanted to do something different and designed a company that helps people track hauntings. And they are not the ghost using the app to track people down. No matter what anyone says.

I thought of this like a fun alternate reality game. Like The Jejune Institute. People wondering if it’s real or not. Or like Device 6. An experimental storytelling.

Walkthrough the app:

Logo, then log in. Then chatroom, click on profile icon. Go to your profile. Then back to chatroom. Into the database, select ghost. Read about ghost. Decide you want to add your own ghost sighting. Click New Ghost. Select photo, click Next. Select Determine Ghost Type. Check three identifying factors. Are directed back to the filter page. Weird glitch happens. You click Next. All seems fine. You press Share. Oh oh.

Also designed the website, desktop and mobile version.

The color palette is a bit “out there”. I think it works though since you are suppose to mainly use this app at night and don’t want the screen too bright. The ghosts might spot you.

Sketches and random things.


Valkyrjan - Branding & packaging


Babies Flokkurinn - Cover Art