This is a small collection of work I did while at Mussila. It’s a startup company that makes teaching material for young children in the form of apps. The company had a certain visual identity when I started but we slowly updated it. That included giving the mascot a makeover. We also launched a new app called WordPlay in 2022.
My main responsibilities were working with the marketing team and collaborating on the visual style of WordPlay with the art director. I was given a lot of freedom with the visual style since we were such a small team. Working with both the classical style of our app Music and our new app WordPlay was a fun challenge as I developed the style of the mascot and the kids in WordPlay to be similar to the original style but a bit more simple to work with.
With the new game WordPlay came a new set of kids to interact with like with the predecessor, Music.
Probably the biggest task was when Mussila had a booth at Bett in 2022. We were both promoting Music and premiering WordPlay and I made a mash of the two games that I think blended well together.
The convention was very busy but I did manage to take a picture of it.
Collection of ads made for various website and social media.