Design March

If you read this blog you might already gather that I'm not very good with updates...

Anywhooo I made a game last summer with two rocking coders for our first Game Jam participation. And we won Best Visuals! Please, hold your applause!


It's free and available for download here:

Someone even reviewed it: LINK


Then, right before Christmas we were offered to participate in a video game expo of sorts. Just displaying our game along with others. It opens on March 10th at Gerðuberg (lower floor). I think it might be part of DesignMarch so it might be in the booklet. 


And that's not the only DesignMarch show I'm in. ReDraw is a group show by Fyrirmynd, the association of illustrators within FÍT. ReDraw exhibits re-designed book covers of twenty already published Icelandic books, illustrated by twenty illustrators of Fyrirmynd. Just us taking a stab at designing our dream covers for our favorite Icelandic books.

That show is going to be at Reykjavík Art Museum Hafnarhús (Tryggvagata 17, Reykjavík)


No sneak peaks of my cover because I But it will be done by the deadline on Monday.


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