Design March

If you read this blog you might already gather that I'm not very good with updates...

Anywhooo I made a game last summer with two rocking coders for our first Game Jam participation. And we won Best Visuals! Please, hold your applause!


It's free and available for download here:

Someone even reviewed it: LINK


Then, right before Christmas we were offered to participate in a video game expo of sorts. Just displaying our game along with others. It opens on March 10th at Gerðuberg (lower floor). I think it might be part of DesignMarch so it might be in the booklet. 


And that's not the only DesignMarch show I'm in. ReDraw is a group show by Fyrirmynd, the association of illustrators within FÍT. ReDraw exhibits re-designed book covers of twenty already published Icelandic books, illustrated by twenty illustrators of Fyrirmynd. Just us taking a stab at designing our dream covers for our favorite Icelandic books.

That show is going to be at Reykjavík Art Museum Hafnarhús (Tryggvagata 17, Reykjavík)


No sneak peaks of my cover because I But it will be done by the deadline on Monday.

Santa Clauses

Hey guys,

Earlier this year I was commissioned to draw the Icelandic santa clauses (or Yule Lads as they are sometimes known as) for the Dyslexic Association of Iceland. There are 13 santa clauses and each have their own name and personality so it was a fun project. Here are the final illustrations:

Stekkjastaur / Sheep-Cote Clod

Stekkjastaur / Sheep-Cote Clod

Giljagaur / Gully Gawk

Giljagaur / Gully Gawk

Stúfur / Stubby

Stúfur / Stubby

Þvörusleikir / Spoon Licker

Þvörusleikir / Spoon Licker

Pottaskefill / Pot-Scraper 

Pottaskefill / Pot-Scraper 

Askasleikir / Bowl-Licker

Askasleikir / Bowl-Licker

Hurðaskellir / Door-Slammer

Hurðaskellir / Door-Slammer

Skyrgámur / Skyr-Gobbler

Skyrgámur / Skyr-Gobbler

Bjúgnakrækir / Sausage-Swiper

Bjúgnakrækir / Sausage-Swiper

Gluggagæjir / Window-Peeper

Gluggagæjir / Window-Peeper

Gáttaþefur / Doorway-Sniffer

Gáttaþefur / Doorway-Sniffer

Ketkrókur / Meat-Hook

Ketkrókur / Meat-Hook

Kertasníkir / Candle-Stealer

Kertasníkir / Candle-Stealer


So a lot of companies that I've applied for jobs at ask that you know Illustrator. It's always a bit weird for me because even though I know how to work in Illustrator, I haven't actually made anything interesting with it because school never expected me to do work in it. So it's not my go to program when creating illustration.

This is something I've been working on and off for the last few months. Just something to show that I have skills. I might finish it. I probably have to just to have something vector based in my portfolio but I'm kind of hoping to find a program that feels more natural to me (like I'm hoping ToonBoom to be). Anyway, here it is.

News and Patterns

Hey guys and happy New Year!

Few thing have happened since last update. My comic Deacon of Darkriver is now in few stores in the Bay Area... or at least they were at the beginning of December. You can find it at Isotope Comics, Mission: Comics & Art, Comix Experience, Trickster, Fantastic Comics and the Escapist. It's also available in Nexus in Reykjavik. Unless, it's sold out (which would be fantastic), and then you can ask the stores to order more.

In other news, I've moved back to Iceland for the time being. My visa ran out and Charles and I are figuring out our next move. Also, the whole Getting-paid-artist-work thing wasn't going so well so I'm going to try to find regular work here and do art and writing at night.

Last thing, I've been experimenting with patterns. It's been a lot of fun to try something new.

APE Expo

Just wanted to let you guys know that I'll be exhibiting at APE here in San Francisco on October 5th and 6th with my friend Yoshi Yoshitani.

Hopefully I'll get to meet some of you that are subscribing to this website in person. We're currently getting ready so if there is anything in particular you would like to buy as a print or a postcard or whatever, now would be the time to let me know. Also, the Deacon of Darkriver will be for sale there :)



I’m converting one of my Sketch Dailies into vector form since studios really like to see that you can do that. I’ve known how to work in Illustrator for years but never had any reason to use it at the university. It doesn’t help that my tablet monitor fights me every step of the way…

Anyway, this is going to be an illustration so there is more to come.

Little Bo Peep

Little Bo Peep

Here is a sketch of the final idea.

Rough sketch

Rough sketch


My friends and I have just started playing Pathfinder together. I'm playing a human cleric and when designing my character I really got carried away by her backstory. So, yeah I'm doing a comic based on it. Don't know when I'll update it next or when I finished, it is not the most prioritized project I'm working on right now, but I am very excited about it.

Kickstarter and art

We are 34% close to our goal with 24 days left.

Please, if you can only support us a dollar, it would still help us reach our goal.

In other news, I am writing the longest webcomic I've ever done in my life. It is fantasy based and so long it might take me years to finish it. It is probably the most exciting project I've ever worked on. Here is some experimental painting of one of the races in it.

And here is a quick sketch of one of the main characters